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Ozone is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of Kites and Paragliders, created around a dedicated team of passionate riders and pilots that share the same outstanding passion for nature, exciting sports and progress.
Keeping true to our philosophy of creating products that we love to use, we extend that same passion into every aspect of the brand, working hard to innovate not only the products we create but also in our business practice and manufacturing process.
We are proud of what we do and of who we are. Our core mission is to progress our sport through technological innovation, intensive R&D and sustainable business models. We are a product led company.

We believe you will feel the difference.
Our products conjure an experience that is nearly impossible to put into words. Invoking emotion, excitement, exhilaration and joy, the Ozone ‘feeling’ is something that transcends the product itself. Ozone kites and boards provide a sensation unlike any other – a sensation that is wonderfully cohesive, yet novel and surprising every ride. This feeling is what Ozone is known for and we invite you to experience it too.

Stay tuned for demo days!!


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