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The Kite Voyage takes you to pristine and untouched islands that exhibit some of the best kiteboarding conditions in the world. Flat and crystal clear waters, strong winds, and amazing company is what this voyage is all about.


Egypt’s weather is great for kiting all year round. Our winter and summer exhibits temperatures ranging from 12-38 deg C, so its always kitesurfing weather. Winds are abundant all year long while being more pronounced during the months of March – October. Egypt exhibits some of the most pristine kitesurfing conditions in the world; crystal clear shallow water, pristine islands, turquoise blue waters, long beach stretches, and an abundance of kitesurfing stations (big and small) along the its Red Sea coast lines.
The Kite Voyage is a Kite Safari that takes you on a 3-7 day trip out at sea visiting some of the most pristine islands in the Red Sea with unmatched kiting conditions. The Kite Voyage takes you to pristine and untouched islands that exhibit some of the best kitesurfing conditions in the world. Flat and crystal clear waters, strong winds, and amazing company is what this voyage is all about. The yacht accommodates up to 26 people and provides both wind and no wind activities. Each day the yacht travels to different spots and islands to exhibit a variety of secluded kitesurfing beaches. Non wind activities include wake boarding behind our 2 Zodiacs, snorkeling, stand up paddling, volley ball, yoga, bonfire, and not to mention some amazing parties at night.
The concept of the Kite Voyage is to provide a sense of community and belonging to those that ride Cabrinha. We want kiters to not only buy Cabrinha because its one of the best and most reputable brands worldwide but also to have privileged access to a series of trips and events that will eventually become some of the most sought after in the kite surfing community. The Kite Voyage is hosted by the Cabrinha Egypt Team, offers the latest kites and boards for everyone to try and test out free of charge, has certified kite instructors on board to provide beginner / progression / and foiling lessons, and hosts an international Cabrinha Rider as the cherry on top showing off some of the most challenging and technical tricks as well as providing progression tips to those looking to push their riding. We teamed up with one of the best Kite Safari providers in Egypt, Kivers, and The Mala for morning and evening Yoga sessions to make the 1st edition of the Kite Voyage nothing but a success. This time, we had the privilege of hosting Pro Rider, Marketing and Team Manager James Boulding to run the progression workshop.
The reaction of those onboard was simply nagging to extend the 4 day trip for another few days. Following our first voyage, we received global feedback on how awesome the trip looked after we released the video edit. We received a lot of sales on the all new Moto after people had savored it for a few days.  Everyone was asking about dates for the next trip. Rest assured, we are busy planning a full year schedule and will announce dates soon.

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